
The Marriage Between Divorce and Corporate Insolvency 1
The Marriage Between Divorce and Corporate Insolvency
Tear Them Down to Pieces: The Marriage Between Divorce and Corporate Insolvency NB: Portions of this piece were presented at the inaugural Marriage Governance Conference held at the British Council, Accra. Overview Since its invention, the limited liability company has...
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Intersection Between the Borrowers and Lenders Act and the CIRA 2
Intersection Between the Borrowers and Lenders Act and the CIRA
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Intersection Between The Borrowers and Lenders Act and the Corporate Insolvency Act In 2020, Ghana’s Parliament passed two significant pieces of legislation affecting the right of lenders, and borrowers both in and out of insolvency. The first was the Corporate...
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a briefcase and a flower with the title of the article
Impact of Insolvency on Employment Relations
Employees take a direct hit when a company becomes insolvent. Employees, in spite of the significant role they play in the life and growth of the company, are often the least protected. They are often the first to lose their...
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Impact of Administration on Asset owners against background of a house
Impact of Administration on Asset Owners
Impact of Administration on Asset Owners Leasing companies and landlords – most especially, often get jittery when a company is placed in administration. Unlike the creditors who are involved in the administration process, third-party service providers especially those providing leasing...
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set-off in insolvency contexts
Set-off in Insolvency Contexts
"A set-off in insolvency contexts involves the crossing out of mutual debt obligations between a debtor and a creditor. It can be used in any type of contract; not just financial contracts." Set-Off under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act,...
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Netting Arrangements in Insolvency Proceedings 3
Netting Arrangements in Insolvency Proceedings
"Netting arrangements in insolvency allow parties to a qualified financial contract to consolidate their claims and cross out their mutual obligations."   One of the aims of the Ghanaian insolvency regime is to  maximise the returns of the entire creditor...
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