
Recent Developments in Ghanaian Arbitration: 2024 Edition 1
Recent Developments in Ghanaian Arbitration: 2024 Edition
Reviews of developments in the arbitration space in Ghana over the past few years point to the growing appeal of arbitration as a viable alternative to traditional dispute resolution through national courts. This appeal may be attributed to some inherent...
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Resolving Insolvency in the Insurance Sector 2
Resolving Insolvency in the Insurance Sector
Resolving Insolvency in the Insurance Sector The Insurance Act, 2021 (Act 1061) was passed on 5th January 2021 to provide a comprehensive framework for regulating activities in the insurance sector. This brief note focuses exclusively on the provisions concerned with...
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2023 developments in employment law in Ghana
2023 Developments in Employment Law
2023 Developments in Employment Law 2023 saw the  courts of Ghana decide a number of interesting decisions in employment law. These decisions not only provided clarity on existing legal principles but also introduced novel approaches to dealing with employment law...
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Recent Amendments in Tax Law 3
Recent Amendments in Tax Law
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Recent Amendments in Tax Law Introduction In the realm of economic governance, the landscape of tax laws is ever-evolving, shaping the financial contours of nations. Ghana, too, has recently witnessed a series of amendments to its tax laws, introducing changes...
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a briefcase and a flower with the title of the article
Impact of Insolvency on Employment Relations
Employees take a direct hit when a company becomes insolvent. Employees, in spite of the significant role they play in the life and growth of the company, are often the least protected. They are often the first to lose their...
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Impact of Administration on Asset owners against background of a house
Impact of Administration on Asset Owners
Impact of Administration on Asset Owners Leasing companies and landlords – most especially, often get jittery when a company is placed in administration. Unlike the creditors who are involved in the administration process, third-party service providers especially those providing leasing...
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Recent Developments in Arbitration in Ghana
Recent Developments in Arbitration in Ghana
Introduction to Arbitration in Ghana The growth of arbitration in Ghana may be attributed to the oft-cited inherent advantages associated with the dispute resolution method (ie, speed, flexibility, the privacy and the finality of outcomes). However, it may also be...
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set-off in insolvency contexts
Set-off in Insolvency Contexts
"A set-off in insolvency contexts involves the crossing out of mutual debt obligations between a debtor and a creditor. It can be used in any type of contract; not just financial contracts." Set-Off under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act,...
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Netting Arrangements in Insolvency Proceedings 4
Netting Arrangements in Insolvency Proceedings
"Netting arrangements in insolvency allow parties to a qualified financial contract to consolidate their claims and cross out their mutual obligations."   One of the aims of the Ghanaian insolvency regime is to  maximise the returns of the entire creditor...
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Supreme Court Affirms Equity As Starting Point for Property Distribution
The Supreme Court in Amoakohene v Amoakohene has affirmed its long-standing position of “equality is equity” as the basis for the distribution of property acquired during the pendency of a marriage. According to the Court, speaking through Dordzie JSC, “properties...
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