
Director’s Liability in Insolvency, Receivership and Corporate Collapse 1
Director’s Liability in Insolvency, Receivership and Corporate Collapse
Director’s Liability in Insolvency, Receivership and Corporate Collapse In recent times, Ghanaians have regrettably seen huge corporate institutions (particularly those within the Banking Sector) suddenly become the subject of receivership or liquidation. The irony is that these troubled corporate institutions...
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Companies Bid Farewell to Business Restrictions 2
Companies Bid Farewell to Business Restrictions
Companies Bid Farewell to Business Restrictions If you have incorporated a company before, I am sure you still have memories of that part of the application form requiring you to list the kind of businesses that your company intends to...
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Companies Act, 2019 – Directors under the Spotlight 3
Companies Act, 2019 – Directors under the Spotlight
Companies Act, 2019 – Directors under the Spotlight  The high spate of recent bank failures and the historic low shelf life of Ghanaian businesses has thrown into sharp focus the role of individuals and agents in these failures. The need...
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Electronic Mail Communications Sufficient to Constitute Contract 4
Electronic Mail Communications Sufficient to Constitute Contract
Electronic Mail Communications Sufficient to Constitute Contract In what can be described as a significant move in Ghanaian contract and electronic communications law, the Supreme Court of Ghana in the case of Atuguba & Associates v Scipion Capital (UK) Ltd...
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